Friday, 29 July 2011

PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY for Merleen Hanson's
son-in-law, Kevin Kershaw and their respected
families. Kevin is facing very serious health issues
which is impacting greatly on the family.
Also continue to pray for Pastor Woods and his


In aid of Hinkler SDA Church.

Framed 10"X13" Family Portrait for $20.00

Contact Melly 0409 871877   or    Wanda 4155 0463
at 2:30pm. If you wish to present an item, please
see Mellie. Everyone is welcome to come along and
support those participating, and enjoy the concert.
Dear Church Family,
Don't forget to give your Woolworths Dockets to Staff or Students at Coral Coast Christian School for the Schools Earn & Learn Incentive at Woolworths.  Thank you to those who have already supported the School, we have 62 points so far.  We still need your help.

You can follow our progress by going to the below website and typing in Coral Coast Christian School.

Happy Shopping Everyone.

Kind regards,
Tammy Howse
CCCS Administration

dates August 6 – 19

20 collectors needed or some shared time collectors.

Tom Strahan  and Merv. Allan will be co-ordinating the Appeal  this year.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Coral Coast Christian School has registered for the 'Help Woolies to help our School' program. 

From July 18th to September 18th 2011, Woolworths will give you one Earn & Learn point for every $10 you spend in store (excluding the purchase of cigarettes, alcohol and gift cards). Points will automatically appear on your shopping dockets. All you need to do is save those dockets and bring them to school or give them to a school staff member. (Woolies have given us a special collection box). You will be able to track our progress on our points barometer poster at school or online at

At the end of the 9-week program, we can redeem our collection of points against a choice of more than 7,000 educational resources. The list is extensive and includes library books, classroom equipment, art & craft materials and much, much more...

Monday, 18 July 2011

Some Words from Steve Wohlberg

 The Last Harry Potter Movie Strikes July 15. What could be next is TERRIFYING.
The last Harry Potter movie - the grand finale - hits July 15. Should Christian families watch this movie or not? If you think it's fine, read on. I'm about to tell you something absolutely terrifying.

It's no secret that J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, with its storyline about both good and evil wizards, has resulted in a massive increase in teenage interest in witchcraft and Wicca throughout the world. I call this, Phase 1. Next, Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga about good and evil vampires has done the same thing for teenage vampirism. Blood drinking has surged. This is Phase 2. What's next? Where is Satan leading this final generation? I tremble over what I am about to tell you. Phase 3 (the most diabolic of all) appears to be new storylines (to be made into movies?) about "good" and evil demons, and the "quest" to become possessed by the "good ones." Two popular stories are promoting this right now: Diana Rowland's series about detective Kara Gillian, a Summoner of Demons; and Jenna Black's novels about master exorcist Morgan Kingsley who only casts out "illegal demons," not "good ones.." I'll spare you the links to this dark material, for they lead to "the gates of hell" (Matthew 16:18).

Can you imagine a popular wave where teenagers actively seek to be possessed by demons thinking it's good for them? How frightening!

"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness," wrote Paul, "but rather expose them" (Ephesians 5:11). "No fellowship" means we shouldn't snuggle up to Lucifer's snares at all, which includes watching movies or reading novels that subtly promote them.

Go to for more information and some special offers.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

"The Surrender of Self" by Joe Crews

Free download at
     Would you look into your heart right now and respond to a very personal and important question? Do you judge yourself to be stronger in the things of God than you have ever been before? I hope so; that is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Every day with Jesus should be sweeter than the day before. Each moment should find us moving up in our experience with a deeper, sweeter faith than we had the moment before. 
     Yet I hope no one is satisfied that God has finished His work of growth and sanctification in their life. This very moment He wants to lead us out deeper into the waters of surrender and consecration. There are still victories to be won, there are sins to be put away, and there is a drawing together that needs to be accomplished by the Holy Spirit. And it needs to be done right now. Let me ask you a question. Does God really mean what He says in the fantastic promises of Romans chapter six? No other chapter of the Bible is so lavishly excessive in giving assurance to a struggling Christian. Consider these extravagant phrases for example: 

  • “Shall we continue in sin? … God forbid” (verses 1 and 2).

  • “We that are dead to sin” (verse 2).

  • “Henceforth we should not serve sin” (verse 6).

  • “Freed from sin” (verse 7).

  • “Dead indeed to sin” (verse 11).

  • “Let not sin therefore reign” (verse 12).

  • “Being made free from sin” (verse 18).

  •      There is certainly nothing ambiguous about any of those texts. But is there some secret meaning or perhaps some hidden reservation that might not apply literally to us in these promises? We are tempted to believe so because of the almost fanatical element of certainty in every verse and line. 
         Some people are frightened by the book of Romans simply because it describes the perfect work God wants to do in sanctifying us from our sins. Many people are also afraid of that word “perfect.” They are fearful that God will ask them to do something that they are not willing to do. 
         Before proceeding further, let’s settle this question once and for all. God will never do anything in our spiritual lives that we are not willing for Him to do. He never coerces the will or pressures us into any actions to which we have not given consent. So we can totally disabuse our minds of being forced into any life choices that are not free and sovereign.
         But now we come face to face with the basic root weakness that has led millions into discouragement and defeat. They simply have not been reconciled to giving up the enjoyment of their sins. There is a certain shallow, short-lived pleasure in sin that dances over the emotions and seeks to capture the mind through the sensory pathway of the flesh. In every case there must be a decision of the will to forfeit those temporary physical “pleasures of sin for a season.” Until that choice is made and acted upon, there can be no real victory over sin in the life.      Let me ask you right now whether you are resigned to the stripping away of all your darling indulgences. Are you prepared to accept all the results of a complete surrender to Christ? The mortifying of every fleshly evil? I am convinced that there are only two possible reasons for a person holding back and failing to gain the victory over sin. Either he is not willing to give up the enjoyment of the sin or else he does not believe that God will give him deliverance from it. Being willing, of course, is our problem, but seeing it done is God’s part alone. We must be willing, but we can never be able. Let us now look at these two great mental blocks that have stolen the victory from so many of God’s people.

    The Safest Doomsday Shelter

     From Pastor Doug
    “Doomsday bunkers” are apprently back in style.
    After all the recent earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, fires, and floods, sales of these underground shelters have increased 1,000 percent! People today desperately looking for a place of safety are stockpiling these hidden bunkers with food, water, and other essentials—hoping to survive everything from social anarchy to nuclear war.
    God’s Word warns us, however,
    “Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut the doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation is past. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity.” —Isaiah 26:20, 21
    No, the rapture didn’t happen on May 21, but this nonevent sure captured the attention of the world. Perhaps the reason these zany predictions get so much attention is because people are more anxious than ever to survive what appears to be a very foreboding future!
    Worse, so many of these people think the best way to prepare against future catastrophe is by hoarding food and gas or stockpiling guns, gold, and supplies in some “doomsday shelter.” But according to Jesus, if you’re only thinking of saving yourself, you’re probably doomed anyway. “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it” (Luke 17:33).
    So the question is, “How do you and I really prepare for the end of the world?” Here is a proven secret to guide us …
    Sharing Salvation
    I can summarize it in two words: WIN SOULS!
    If I really thought the world would end next week, I would work hard to take as many people with me to heaven as possible. Wouldn’t you?
    Jesus says that seeking to save souls is how you save yourself. “Whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it” (Mark 8:35).
    The proper response to the last days is to do what Jesus did—be about our Father’s business! Daniel put it this way: “Those who turn many to righteousness will shine as the stars forever” (Daniel 12:3).
    When you think about it, this is how Noah survived the global flood catastrophe. He made the ultimate doomsday bunker to save others. Yet in the process he saved himself and his family.
    Divine Opportunities
    Amazing Facts did all we could to turn the latest “end time” prediction into an evangelistic opportunity. God blessed with a CNBC article read by thousands, two national radio interviews, and a TV interview on Northern California’s Fox channel.
    In just one week we created a website called to reach people seeking the truth. After only two weeks, more than 250,000 visitors came to the site! A number asked how to be saved—including at least one Muslim—and we heard from so many who were encouraged and strengthened by this outreach.
    And along the way, we learned a lot during this effort that we plan on using in a much bigger way in the next year …
    December 21, 2012 Website
    With all the natural disasters, financial fears, and global uncertainty, these are some of the best and most fruitful days in history to invest in evangelism.
    In fact, right now, much media attention is being directed at another apocalyptic date. Loosely based on the Mayan calendar and driven largely by unending Hollywood hype in movies and TV specials, millions fear the world will end on December 21, 2012.
    Considering the thousands of people we reached with our May 21 website, we now want to produce another website that will target the millions around the world who are now focusing on the Mayan doomsday prophecy. With your help, we will develop a full-scale marketing plan—using ads on Google, Facebook, and video—so we can capture the attention of thousands of people caught up in this last-day prophecy. Then we will direct them to the Bible truth and help them find peace in Christ, the only sure shelter for the last days.
    Bunker-Busting Bombs
    Even underground bunkers aren’t really safe.
    During the Desert Storm war in Iraq, the U.S. military reveled a new weapon called “Bunker-busting bombs.” These special laser-guided, deep-penetrating bombs could target a bunker and bore deep through reinforced concrete before exploding. Likewise, the Word of God can penetrate Satan’s deepest bunkers to set captives free.

    Friday, 15 July 2011


    20th August. North Pine Christian College. 9Am start.
    Speaker Dr. Franco Glarraputo. Bookings essential.
    Julie Lang ph: 3218 7777

    Thursday, 7 July 2011

    Message From The Pastor

    The time for our Volunteer Youth Pastor Andrew Butler to return to Canada is fast coming to a close. Given that he still has two weeks leave due to him, which will be attached to the end of his stay, Andrew will be leaving us on Monday 25th July from Brisbane airport. Which means he will probably leave Bundaberg on Sunday 24th July.
    We are not saying goodbye yet – we will reserve that for later – but I am sure we all can say that we have benefited greatly from his ministry and not only the Youth. We are going to miss you very much Andrew.

    Friday, 1 July 2011


    All units, conference tent and
    van sites are now full and a waiting list applies.
    Private sites are still available.
    Prepaid Actipasses available on line