Monday, 18 July 2011

Some Words from Steve Wohlberg

 The Last Harry Potter Movie Strikes July 15. What could be next is TERRIFYING.
The last Harry Potter movie - the grand finale - hits July 15. Should Christian families watch this movie or not? If you think it's fine, read on. I'm about to tell you something absolutely terrifying.

It's no secret that J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, with its storyline about both good and evil wizards, has resulted in a massive increase in teenage interest in witchcraft and Wicca throughout the world. I call this, Phase 1. Next, Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga about good and evil vampires has done the same thing for teenage vampirism. Blood drinking has surged. This is Phase 2. What's next? Where is Satan leading this final generation? I tremble over what I am about to tell you. Phase 3 (the most diabolic of all) appears to be new storylines (to be made into movies?) about "good" and evil demons, and the "quest" to become possessed by the "good ones." Two popular stories are promoting this right now: Diana Rowland's series about detective Kara Gillian, a Summoner of Demons; and Jenna Black's novels about master exorcist Morgan Kingsley who only casts out "illegal demons," not "good ones.." I'll spare you the links to this dark material, for they lead to "the gates of hell" (Matthew 16:18).

Can you imagine a popular wave where teenagers actively seek to be possessed by demons thinking it's good for them? How frightening!

"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness," wrote Paul, "but rather expose them" (Ephesians 5:11). "No fellowship" means we shouldn't snuggle up to Lucifer's snares at all, which includes watching movies or reading novels that subtly promote them.

Go to for more information and some special offers.

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