“Doomsday bunkers” are apprently back in style.
After all the recent earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, fires, and floods, sales of these underground shelters have increased 1,000 percent! People today desperately looking for a place of safety are stockpiling these hidden bunkers with food, water, and other essentials—hoping to survive everything from social anarchy to nuclear war.
God’s Word warns us, however,
“Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut the doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation is past. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity.” —Isaiah 26:20, 21 No, the rapture didn’t happen on May 21, but this nonevent sure captured the attention of the world. Perhaps the reason these zany predictions get so much attention is because people are more anxious than ever to survive what appears to be a very foreboding future!
Worse, so many of these people think the best way to prepare against future catastrophe is by hoarding food and gas or stockpiling guns, gold, and supplies in some “doomsday shelter.” But according to Jesus, if you’re only thinking of saving yourself, you’re probably doomed anyway. “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it” (Luke 17:33).
So the question is, “How do you and I really prepare for the end of the world?” Here is a proven secret to guide us …
Sharing Salvation
I can summarize it in two words: WIN SOULS!
If I really thought the world would end next week, I would work hard to take as many people with me to heaven as possible. Wouldn’t you?
Jesus says that seeking to save souls is how you save yourself. “Whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it” (Mark 8:35).
The proper response to the last days is to do what Jesus did—be about our Father’s business! Daniel put it this way: “Those who turn many to righteousness will shine as the stars forever” (Daniel 12:3).
When you think about it, this is how Noah survived the global flood catastrophe. He made the ultimate doomsday bunker to save others. Yet in the process he saved himself and his family.
Divine Opportunities
Amazing Facts did all we could to turn the latest “end time” prediction into an evangelistic opportunity. God blessed with a CNBC article read by thousands, two national radio interviews, and a TV interview on Northern California’s Fox channel.
In just one week we created a website called AfterMay21.com to reach people seeking the truth. After only two weeks, more than 250,000 visitors came to the site! A number asked how to be saved—including at least one Muslim—and we heard from so many who were encouraged and strengthened by this outreach.
And along the way, we learned a lot during this effort that we plan on using in a much bigger way in the next year …
December 21, 2012 Website
With all the natural disasters, financial fears, and global uncertainty, these are some of the best and most fruitful days in history to invest in evangelism.
In fact, right now, much media attention is being directed at another apocalyptic date. Loosely based on the Mayan calendar and driven largely by unending Hollywood hype in movies and TV specials, millions fear the world will end on December 21, 2012.
Considering the thousands of people we reached with our May 21 website, we now want to produce another website that will target the millions around the world who are now focusing on the Mayan doomsday prophecy. With your help, we will develop a full-scale marketing plan—using ads on Google, Facebook, and video—so we can capture the attention of thousands of people caught up in this last-day prophecy. Then we will direct them to the Bible truth and help them find peace in Christ, the only sure shelter for the last days.
Bunker-Busting Bombs
Even underground bunkers aren’t really safe.
During the Desert Storm war in Iraq, the U.S. military reveled a new weapon called “Bunker-busting bombs.” These special laser-guided, deep-penetrating bombs could target a bunker and bore deep through reinforced concrete before exploding. Likewise, the Word of God can penetrate Satan’s deepest bunkers to set captives free. |
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